Jan 23, 2007

~Snow Day put my week out of wack~

~But it sure was fun!
OK.......last week really threw me off on posting.
Let me see if I can get back on track.
Wednesday we had snow, nothing at all major, but for us it was awesome.
We had a huge snowball fight with the neighbors and all of the kids on the street!
OK, I say WE, I mean them! I took the pics!
I have been crocheting, but, I'll post that on Wednesday!
Here is a few of my kiddos and the doggies!
This is not the neighborhood snowball fight, just my 2!

~Snow Day~
January 15,2007

~A true friend is the gift of God, and he only who made hearts can unite them.~
~~ Robert South ~~

1 comment:

LadySnow said...

You have been tagged for a weirdness meme. Check out my blog at candle-by-night.blogspot.com for the rules. :)