Dec 27, 2006

Use a coaster!

~Basket of Coasters~ (8 pc set)

~This is a gift I made for my neighbor. She loves purple too! I haven't seen her yet, so I still have it sitting here. What do you think?? Gift worthy? I hope so.
~This was fun to make. The basket is cute, but I think it needs a heavier yarn, or possibly cotton for it to come out better.

~A true friend is the gift of God, and he only who made hearts can unite them.~
~~ Robert South ~~


Miranda said...

Those turned out well. Great job Sonia. Can I be your neighbor? LOL

Jodi said...

I love purple too!
That pattern is really cool looking. Good job!
Happy New Year!

jaclim said...

Hi Sonia! Love your coasters! If your neighbor doesn't want them I'll take them anytime! LOL!!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!