~The L went MIA on New Years Eve. Apparently it sprouted legs and took off. Maybe to find bigger and better projects, who knows. All I do know is that I was not happy. I felt things that just aren't normal. That aren't healthy. I have crossed the line. I didn't even know that there was a line. Yet I do know that I indeed crossed it!
~I accused a guest of stealing the L to give to her mother........Yes, Yes, it was all in fun and jokes....Or was it?..........But did she??? Could someone do that....the most horrible crochet act in the world? Stealing someones L hook to give to another hooker is downright ......arggg, I don't even have the words. I'm in agony.....
~I looked everywhere. Couch Pillows went flying to no avail. I even tipped the couch over. You know, to get into those gaps that just can't be reached from the front......I tore up my hands. I actually bled. All in the name of the L. I was a wild woman!
~ I went to bed that night.....Well, I tried to at least......The L would not leave my thoughts. I tossed and turned. I wondered some more about my guest...Did she? Could she?....OR, was my brother just playing some terrible joke on me. Not realizing it was my only L, and the WIP had to be completed ASAP. Did my kids take it......nooooo, they KNOW better! Is it a conspiracy? I think it must be.
~Then I realized it was out of my control. The L has a mind of it's own. It has left me before, but never gotten very far. This atcually got away. I'm not sure how....or why. I gave the L plenty to do. Maybe I worked the L to hard. Maybe I didn't appreciate the L as much as I could have, or should have. Maybe the L felt bad for not getting the afghan completed in time for Christmas. Maybe I just put too much pressure on the L.
~I guess the L just did not understand how much it was loved. How much it was needed. I only had one L in my life, it was a gift from a dear friend. My friend knows the L is gone. She also knows I've gone mad.
~I have since replaced the L. It is just not the same. This is some sort of cream plastic. My L was a purple aluminum. I didn't even mind that it wasn't was special. I will keep looking to replace my L. The L is a hard hook to find.....maybe, I will find a bamboo L...........and will be even happier......Time will tell.
~At some point or another, do we as crocheters, all go mad? Am I now a mad woman forever? Will the elusive L plague my dreams for all of time? Will my L ever come back to me??????
I know I can't be the only mad crocheter out there.........
Join me, you're not alone. Tell your story. It will be OK!
~A true friend is the gift of God, and he only who made hearts can unite them.~
~~ Robert South ~~
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